Paradigma - Argo-156

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paraDIGMA-online instructions

Become an expert

In order to properly and safely safeguard the absenteeism file of your absent employee and all steps in the Wet verbetering Poortwachter, your occupational health service provider De Arbodienst works in the absenteeism registration and communication system paraDIGMA-Online.

With the help of the manual (download here the Manual paraDIGMA-Online or Manual with source system paraDIGMA-Online in PDF) you will get an explanation about the system and how you can optimally manage your employee data. To help you on your way, we ask you to read this manual carefully before logging in.

Instructional videos

Below you will find instructional videos about the functionalities of paraDIGMA-Online. Do you have any questions after reading the manual and watching the instructional videos? Please feel free to contact:

  1. Log in to paraDIGMA-online
  2. The Dashboard
  3. Absence and recovery notification
  4. Upload documents
  5. Add and edit a note
  6. Mutation of employee data and employment contracts
  7. Pregnancy protocol
  8. Report employees sick from employment
  9. Add new employees and employment
  10. Report Absence and Restored via link 

Gerelateerde nieuwsartikelen

Instructional video 1
Log in to paraDIGMA-online

In this video we explain how to log in for the first time using the welcome email and the Google Authenticator app.

Instructional video 2
The Dashboard

In this video we explain the functionalities of the opening screen. This is also referred to as "the dashboard".

Instructional video 3
Absence and recovery notification

In this video we give you a brief instruction on the sickness and recovery reporting of your employees in paraDIGMA-Online.

Instructional video 4
Upload documents

In this video we give you a brief instruction on how to upload a document in the employee file.

instructional video 5
Add and edit a note

In this video we give you a brief instruction on how to add and change a note in the employee file.

instructional video 6
Mutation of employee data and employment contracts

In this video we show you how to change employee data and employment contracts.

Instructional video 7
Pregnancy protocol

In this video we will show you how to add a pregnancy and preventive file to the employee file and explain how you can increase adoption leave or additional birth leave.

Instructional video 8
Report employees sick from employment

In this video we discuss the section "Reporting the employee sick from employment" in the employer portal.

Instructional video 9
Add new employees and employment

In this video we discuss the "add new employee" section in the employer portal.

Instructional video 10
Report Absence and Restored via link

In this video we give you a brief instruction on working in paraDIGMA-Online if your organization works with a link.